Monday, March 7, 2016

A face scrub from your kitchen!

I went to Pennsylvania this weekend dreading the cold weather and waiting for my skin to be so dry it hurts. Much to my surprise, I remained unscathed by Mother Nature! I can only attribute it to my new skin care regime - brown sugar and honey. Yep, you heard me right! Two ingredients in most people’s kitchen cupboards….and presto, softer skin!

In my attempt to rid my life of toxins, I’ve been avoiding a big step that I knew I needed to take – my facial cleanser. I have been using ProActiv for decades – literally.  But I really wanted to get to an all-natural method….and one that was fast and simple. I’m not a girly girl, so a complex process would not work for me!

A friend told me about the brown sugar and honey scrub, so last week I started using it (& yes, I did “accidentally” get some in my mouth :) yum).  In just one day, all the dry patches on my face were gone, and it has NEVER felt softer! I won’t do it every day, but I’m very excited to add it to my all natural skin regime!

To use the scrub, simply combine about a teaspoon or 2 of each and gently scrub your face. I like to use it in the shower to make removing it easier….and then I can do my neck easily as well. Give it a try….softer skin awaits!