Young Living Essential Oil Information

What are Young Living Essential Oils?

Essential oils are the highly concentrated, aromatic essences of trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, resins and flowers.  Essential oils are greaseless and not like the other ‘oils’ you have in your home. Essential oils are the plant’s natural defense and protective mechanisms. They work the same in our bodies as they do in nature. They penetrate our cell membranes and disperse into our blood and tissues.  1 drop contains countless molecules that affect the body at the cellular level. Their purpose is to smell amazing and many also help support all of our body systems by keeping our bodies clean and our system functioning as it should.
All oils are not created equal! Young Living is the oldest, most trusted and well-respected essential oil company in the world. We are the world leader and are now a BILLION dollar company with over 3 million members in countless countries around the globe! With 25+ years of research and experience, we are the ONLY essential oil company with our own farms offering our SEED to SEAL guarantee. Young Living farms are completely open about their farming practices and as members, you can visit them to partake in the production!

How to use Young Living Essential Oils: 


Scents are powerful and the best and fastest way to reach the mood center is through our nose! In less than a second, essential oils hit the limbic system and have the power to affect our mood. 75% of American homes use synthetic air fresheners that contain numerous amounts of chemical agents that have been linked to cancer (namely formaldehyde). When you see the term ‘fragrance’ remember that it can include up to 300 toxic chemicals but still just say ‘fragrance’! 
Formaldehyde is the #1 cancer causing chemical and is what you are embalmed with at the morgue. Why are you breathing this in when you don’t have to?! Diffusing essential oils is an all-natural ways to incorporate pleasant scents into your home and to enhance your life. Another way to get oils aromatically: 'Tenting'. Pour boiling hot water into a glass bowl. Drop in 2-3 drops of the essential oil of your choice. Breathe in the vapors while covering your head with a towel over the bowl. Excellent for the respiratory system!


I didn’t ingest at first. It wasn’t until I researched the company and heard MANY stories from other YL members that I found there are so many benefits to ingesting these oils!
Usually, I ingest oils by placing a drop of an essential oil intended for internal use in a glass of water to drink in the morning or after dinner (depending on the oil and intended use). I will also mix a drop with honey, a carrier oil like coconut oil, or water  in a table spoon. There are a few oils that are so beneficial, but I’m not a huge fan of the taste, so taking a small amount by tablespoon works for me!
On occasion I will also fill empty veggie capsules with coconut or avocado oil and add some drops of essential oils. This is usually when I need some immune system support and the capsules can be bought on the Young Living website.

TOPICALLY or Trans-dermal

Essential oils are absorbed by the skin rapidly, so topical use is very popular. Many oils can be rubbed on the feet for support and wellness.
Keep in mind that some oils need to be diluted by mixing with a carrier oil. Check out our safety page for all the safety tips when using oils and for more information about carrier oils!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. These posts are for informational purposes only

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