Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!!

I typically don’t do New Year’s Resolutions, but I’ve been changing a lot of habits in the past couple months so I’m incorporating those changes into my ‘New Year’s Resolutions’. One of these resolutions is being healthier, so naturally I had a few martinis last night on New Year’s Eve to say goodbye unhealthy habits! They were amazing and I wanted to share the recipes! These are perfect for girls nights, bachelorette parties, or any other party you want to throw!!

Coffee Cube Martini  (we named it that to tell them apart!)
Earlier in the day I made 1 cup regular coffee and 1 cup decaf coffee. Once they cooled, I put in ice cube trays and put them in the freezer, so they’d be ready for the night!
When they’re ready, just toss 1-2 (we got excited and used 3) ice cubes with a little Bailey’s, vanilla vodka, and cream. I am picky about my martinis so I add a little of each ingredient to see what I like.

Kahlua and Peppermint EO Martini
This recipe makes 4 servings because YL Peppermint EO (essential oil) is strong, so one drop is too much for just 1 serving.

Add to shaker:
1 drop YL Peppermint EO
 4 oz. Vodka or Vanilla Vodka
8 oz. Kahlua
8 oz. milk or cream
Shake, Pour, and Enjoy!
Variation: You can use 4 oz. of Kahlua instead of 8oz. and add a coffee ice cube to each martini if you have them available. 

For information on how to purchase essential oils, click the above tab: "How to Buy"

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