Friday, July 10, 2015


I love spending time outside. Even just laying outside soaking up the sun and listening to the animals around puts me in a better mood. I love paying attention to my surroundings and taking it all in. It’s amazing what you see and hear. I never thought a bird chirping was a pretty sound, it actually used to annoy me until I sat outside for awhile and appreciated the beauty of it. I’ve found that I’ve formed a connection with nature and I believe everyone is capable of doing this. This can happen just by understanding nature and that everything is living. Also, by not littering and damaging the environment you’ll increase your connection with the environment because you’re respecting it.

Now this doesn’t mean you have to stay outside for a very long period of time, especially if you’re not a fan of the outdoors. Find something that fits you. It could be walking, hiking, sun bathing, relaxing outside, or even just eating a meal on your porch or deck.  Sometimes when I’ve been sitting in the house all day I’ll just stick my head out the door for a minute. I’ll take a few deep breaths of fresh air and observe my surroundings then go back to what I was doing but it always made me feel better. So there’s no excuse not to enjoy nature because you can always find a way.

·         Find something you like to do outside, this will motivate you to spend time in nature
·         Respect the environment, nobody wants to sit outside next to trash

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