Thursday, July 30, 2015

Oh, how they love us!

The final lesson from our furry friends for July is probably the best – unconditional love. It is one of my favorites because pets are the only place where many people get unconditional love. There’s no judgement from them about what we look like or our life choices. They simply want to be loved and to love us. No questions asked. I think my favorite story of this is my dog Wolfgang when my husband was sick. Wolfgang was 6 years old when we got married, so needless to say my husband was very low on the totem pole after my daughter and me and my parents…well, you get the point! However, when my husband had shoulder surgery and had to stay in bed the first few days, poor Wolfgang was beside himself. He kept coming in our room to see what was wrong, lying at the foot of the bed – like a guard. Here’s a perfect picture of Wolfie in guard-mode….in his younger years!

The next time your pet jumps on your and wants a little love - be sure to give him all you attention, for just a few moments - he deserves it!

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