Wednesday, August 12, 2015

More gratitude....

Feeling gratitude is one of those fads that’s been around the last few years. Honestly, I tried making a daily gratitude list, and it didn’t really work for me (see the August 5th post). I would hurry through making a list of things each day and then forget about it. Then I tried a different method – thinking about one thing each night that I was grateful for from that day. When I get in bed, I think about the things I’m grateful for that happened throughout the day and then pick the one for which I am most grateful. I find that it instantly lifts my mood, and I’ve been sleeping better. It also helps me to find positive things in even the crappiest of days! Even when I am in the midst of something not-so-great, I find myself immediately looking for how I can be grateful for it, which helps me feel more consistently happy too. So, if making daily gratitude list doesn’t work so well for you, try to focus on one thing each day. Focusing on your gratitude helps you see the joy in your life and makes you happier too!

One of the things we are trying to do is help folks feel joy in their lives – every day. When you really feel that joy, you will bring even more to you (more on that in the coming weeks!) So, get out there and feel grateful…you won’t regret it! 

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