Monday, August 17, 2015

Step Two - The Little Things!

While I was increasing the gratitude in my life, I realized how many things I overlook on a daily basis. I started to become very aware of my life and surroundings by focusing on the present. This allowed me to notice more and become grateful for things I just started to see and experience! One example is just the beautiful landscape of my new town. I focused on really looking at how beautiful the houses, trees, parks, and lakes are. I then added these to my everyday gratitude list and started noticing even more around me!
I then took it up a notch. I would focus my gratitude on my health and was very specific about it. For example, I would write down that I was thankful for my legs and feet because I love to walk and dance. Without healthy, functional legs and feet, I couldn’t do a lot of activities that I enjoy. I couldn’t believe that I forgot the basic functions of my body, because they’re always there and working, so I take them for granted. Now, I add everything to my list so I can increase my health and function of my body!

STEP TWO – Don’t Forget the Little Things!

  •  Add items to your list that you may forget or take for granted. This could be health, good eyesight, functional body parts, the air you breathe, electricity, or your senses!

  • Throughout the day, try to focus on the present and not let your mind wander off. Notice things around you and give thanks for them!

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