Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Step One - The Gratitude List!

    After a few months of constant job hunting and getting nothing but rejections, I snapped. I couldn’t figure out why I was being ‘job-blocked’. I applied to various types of jobs, some I was overqualified for and others needed more experienced candidates, but I applied anyways. I couldn’t believe that I wasn’t getting anything, even retail jobs, so one day I decided to pay attention to my approach to job hunting. Whenever I was looking for jobs, it was because I was stressed and worried about paying my bills. The constant worry about money was taking over my life. Because I was sending out these negative thoughts about money, the universe was sending me back more negative thoughts and no jobs! I realized that the biggest issue in my life was money. I was happy and satisfied in other areas of my life, but money was the real struggle. After realizing this, I decided to focus on changing my approach and manifesting money. I started with manifesting in general, and then focused on money and it’s really changed my life.
    I understood that gratitude and positive thinking were two extremely important parts of manifesting, so I worked on incorporating these into my life. Every day I would give thanks, whether it be for ten things or fifty. It didn’t matter; I just made sure to at least list ten things for which to be thankful. I would focus on each item and really think about how it affected my life and why I was so grateful for it. For example, when I would be thankful for my husband, I would think about all the fun we have, how great we get along, and all the wonderful things about his personality. I was able to feel so happy and grateful when giving thanks which made this practice even more powerful.
    Surprisingly, coming up with at least 10 things every day wasn’t as difficult as I thought. It only took a few minutes and the more I did it, the more easily I could come up with ideas. Within a few days, I could tell things were changing. I noticed I would get bursts of happiness and not know where they came from. Before, I used to get bursts of stress or worry, almost like a mini panic attack. I haven’t felt like that in weeks. Overall, I have a more Zen attitude and things that usually bothered me or worried me, I just brush off. It’s amazing how just focusing on gratitude changed my life so drastically in such a short time!

STEP ONE is to create a daily gratitude list!
  • You can write it down, put it in the computer, or just say it. It doesn’t matter as long as you’re giving thanks!
  • Do it whatever time of day works for you. I always tried morning so I could start my day off with gratitude, but sometimes I didn’t do it until the afternoon or evening.
  • Make sure you feel the gratitude and also think of why each item makes you grateful!
  • Say thank you a few times for each item on the list!

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