Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Step Three - Money is Everywhere!!

       After adding gratitude to my everyday life, I couldn’t believe the change. I decided since I was struggling with money that I should focus on gratitude towards my income. I realized that I was stressed and worried about money all the time, so I brought more of the stress and worry into my life (and no money). My first step was to be grateful for the money I had already received. I couldn’t remember every time I ever received money, because that’s asking a lot. Instead I just thanked the universe for all the money I have already received, this way, the universe knew I was appreciative and ready for more money! After that, I started getting more opportunities for income. Some were part of a part-time job I had and others were helping family members with various tasks. It was only small amounts of extra income, but it was something!            

      Because I didn’t focus on the how or when I would receive the money, this extra money came from unexpected places! It was shocking how quickly the universe responded to my gratitude practices.
After the extra income starting appearing, I became more excited and more thankful for receiving money. This brought even more opportunities to make money and higher amounts of money. The universe matched my enthusiasm! From now on I am going to make sure that I increase the amount of thanks I give to the universe!

STEP THREE – Money is Everywhere!

  • Give thanks for all the money you’ve received
  • Give thanks for the constant flow of money into your life
  • Try not to stress about money, instead give thanks for what you have

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