Tuesday, February 16, 2016

A little Frankincense....

Although Marcey is the “potion-master” when it comes to oils (you name it, she will create it!), I’ve decided to do a little experimenting myself.  Leaving the mixology to her, I’ve decided to simply add an essential oil to a habit I’m already doing to see how much of an impact it will make. I’m starting with Frankincense – one of my favorite oils and one that I often diffuse in the room when I have some serious thinking to do. However, Frankincense is also great for supporting you when meditating or praying (hence its use in biblical times!). So, I’m going to use Frankincense when I meditate over the next few days to see if it changes my experience. I’ll try it in my room diffuser and in my necklace to compare as well. Anyone care to join me?

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