Friday, February 12, 2016

Morning Routine

Mornings can be difficult. I personally have never been a fan. However, I've started incorporating a morning routine into my life that provides personal development and some exercise. I've tried this before, but after reading Hal Elrod's book "The Miracle Morning", I figured out a way to make this work!

In his book, he suggests adding 1 hour into your morning that's split into 6 activities (listed below)

10 minutes - Meditation (silence, focus on breath, prayer, gratitude, guided meditation)
10 minutes - Reading (read a book that will help you grow: self-help, business books, the Bible ...
                                    whatever inspires you and will help you grow). 
10 minutes - Affirmations (you can create your own or find ones given by other people)
10 minutes - Visualization (you could visualize your day, life, goals, dreams, whatever you're feeling)
10 minutes- Journaling (for me, I write a little about what's on my mind and then I focus on gratitude)
10 minutes - Exercise (this could be whatever you want!)

I did this for a week straight and was more energized and productive than I can remember!

Now, I know 60 minutes is a lot to add to your morning routine; I felt the same way. I suggest trying this out so that you can see the benefits which will encourage your to wake up 60 minutes earlier every day!

If you slept in or in a rush, you can modify this! You can do 1 minute of each activity so that you're only taking 6 minutes out of your morning to do this. I've tried this, but felt it wasn't as effective as longer practices. You can also cut down the times of certain activities. For example, I'll do 5 minutes of meditation,  10 minutes of reading, less than 5 minutes of affirmations, 5 minutes of visualization, 5 minutes of journaling, and 10 minutes of exercise. This is about 35 minutes and it works well if I'm rushing or slept in a little!

What's your morning routine?

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