Monday, February 1, 2016

Rest Day!

Do you have a rest day? This is an old concept that we first heard about in the Bible, specifically in Genesis. God rested on the seventh day, so why don't we? I was reintroduced to this topic while watching Dani Johnson's "Time Secrets" DVD. In this DVD, she introduces viewers to the concept of working for 6 days and having a rest day on the 7th. This allows the body a day of absolute rest and relaxation to re-energize ourselves for the upcoming 6 days of work. Well, easier said than done!

This has been my 3rd Rest Day and I finally was able to enjoy it and relax! The first 2 tries were difficult, because I either felt guilty for not working or I had the urge to clean, do dishes, cook, etc. The rule is no cooking, cleaning, laundry, picking up dog toys, work, homework! It's all fun and relaxing activities! What really helped me was on the day before my Rest Day, I did my laundry, cleaned, prepped a meal, and finished all of my work. On my Rest Day, I didn't have anything to do, so I had to rest!

Here are some things I do on my Rest Days:

Sleep in!
Read for fun
Watch a movie or TV show
Play a game with my husband
Go for a nice walk with my husband and dog
Whatever else I find fun and relaxing!

After I do this, I'm completely refreshed and ready to get to work the next day!

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