Thursday, February 4, 2016

Anyone want to play the Glad Game with me?

I was recently reminded of the "Glad Game" from the Pollyanna movie. Does anyone remember that? In the movie, she thinks of as many things as she can to be glad about a situation, which is why she had such a “sunny” disposition!  

This is a variation of being grateful for what you have to help focus on the positive rather than the negative. So, I’m going to give it a try today!  Any time I have a negative thought or am in a negative situation, I’m going to come up with as many things about it that I can be glad about. Even as I’m writing this, I just thought, “Boy, my neck hurts today.”  So, here I go….what can I be glad about for that? I guess, I’m glad that I have the pain to remind me to sit up straight and to stretch throughout the day. I am glad that I have feeling in my neck – some people don’t.  Hmmm…that’s all I have for now. Hopefully I’ll get better with practice!

I'm going to add some Purification essential oil in my diffuser today to help create my own "sunny disposition":) Although many use Purification for neutralizing odors (think - "I just cooked fish and my house smells like it"), I find that it really enlivens me. 

So, what do you say? Anyone want to play the Glad Game with me?

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