Sunday, June 7, 2015


Last week, I had been feeling pretty run down for a few days and when I stopped to think about why, the answer was obvious. I’d been helping my husband with his business – selling olivewood carvings at a festival. I had eaten sandwiches, pizza, and french fries for two days. Now to some people, this would not be a big deal (my husband, for one, doesn’t seem to be affected by what he eats). For me, all those simple carbs send me on a roller coaster of short highs and long lows. We’ve all heard that eating this way kills our energy levels, but for it to be so blatant was surprising to me. So, on day 3, I decided to take control of my food! We stopped at my favorite place for breakfast – Sheetz, and instead of a sandwich I got a salad with tuna. Then I picked up pre-packaged cut veggies, a single-serving of pepper jack cheese, and some almonds. I did have to add a few fig newtons as an afternoon snack –but no festival food. In one day, I was feeling remarkably better. I have noticed in the past that I can greatly improve my energy (and my mood, for that matter!) by simply eating veggie-based meals for a day. This was a great little experiment to show how food can really change our lives.

This is my yummy Sheetz salad:

So the takeaway is not surprising…something we all know…our diet can drastically affect our energy and our mood. Try it – for just a day. Focus on veggies as the foundation of your meal and then build around them. You won’t regret it!!

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