Friday, June 26, 2015

Let's compare breakfast!

For June's 400 calorie meal comparison, I decided to focus on breakfast. I've included my old breakfast of Great Grains cereal with milk and my current breakfast of Fage yogurt, berries (strawberries in this case) and granola. Here are the pictures:

(The cereal is in a bowl that is placed on the plate to compare accurately.)

Aside from my terrible picture-taking abilities, it is interesting to see the difference in the amount of food for the same number of calories. Even more poignant, just like the May comparison, my healthy meal left me completely satisfied while my not-so-healthy one left me wanting more. Additionally, I felt tired within an hour of eating the cereal, but the yogurt kept me going all morning.

Although I have to admit, I can't wait to have a pancake meal to compare...I rarely eat pancakes...but they are yummy! However, knowing how I feel when I eat healthy versus not, I think I’ll keep them to a minimum!

Let us know if you have a meal that makes you feel great…or one that brings you down. Post it here!

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