Monday, June 22, 2015

My Cozy Spot...

I moved to NC a few months ago, and although I love our new home (a small townhouse), I don’t have a place in it where I can go and be alone. I don’t have a Cozy Spot. Everywhere I live (or visit for more than a few days!), I find a Cozy Spot. No, this is not like Sheldon’s spot on The Big Bang…actually, maybe it is (without the extreme OCD)!  One of my “must-haves” in my life is a Cozy Spot – a place where I feel completely comfortable, safe, and happy…a place I can go and not be bothered. It is the place where I connect with myself and get many of my great ideas. I write, I think, I dream in my Cozy Spot. Throughout my life, my Cozy Spot has been a porch swing, a tree, my couch, a bathtub, my bed, the floor of a friend’s spare bedroom, a rocking chair, and a lawn chair on my deck. In my new home, I haven’t felt connected to any one spot. I think I may have to go out of my home and wander the neighborhood in search of a spot. It will only be a matter of time, but soon, I will have my new Cozy Spot.

Here's a picture of a great Cozy Spot...too bad this isn't at my home ! (It was at a spa.)

A Cozy Spot is a great way to help you focus on your Me-Time. Tips for creating a Cozy Spot:
- A place that is not constantly invaded by family or roommates
- A place where you feel physically comfortable (a comfy seat, a good temperature, good lighting)
- A place with something that inspires you…this can be anything from a picture you love to a burning candle to a favorite stuffed animal

Once you find a Cozy Spot, remember to try to snuggle up there every day for a few minutes (or more!) of Me-Time.

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