Monday, June 1, 2015

Focusing on the Present

Wouldn’t you rather enjoy life than just get through each day?  Focusing on the present or "being in the now" doesn’t necessarily mean you always have to focus on exactly what’s happening. It means enjoying every day and not worrying about the past or future. It’s so easy to worry and stress about events in the future. No matter what, the future will become the present and there’s no point in being worried about the little things if they can’t change the outcome. Being in the now also can mean just enjoying the little things in life every day and not trying to just get through life. When focusing on everything I’m doing I try to notice where I am, my surroundings, noises, smells, the beauty, the action, and my own feelings.  I also notice how my body feels and if anything is wrong or uncomfortable. This is easier during a meditation, especially at a yoga class. Yoga is where I usually practice being in the present. I’ve found that when I stop and notice my surroundings I see things I’ve never observed before. Also I become much happier after I notice the beauty that is all around me. I never believed that could be possible until I tried it. I was shocked and continue doing it every day.

Being in the now was hard for me at first. In order to incorporate this into my life, I decided to focus on specific tasks. My favorite time to try it was when I was eating. I am always amazed by how different my food tastes when I’m focusing on only eating. Instead of reading, watching TV, or doing other tasks while eating, I would just focus on the food. The flavor was so rich and one hundred times better! When I drive I always notice my surroundings and enjoy the beauty of it all. It makes the drive more enjoyable and I find myself in a better mood at the end of the drive. Another time to try focusing on the present is when showering. I’m usually singing or thinking of other things, but when I tried ‘being in the now’, I was amazed at the change! The smell of my body wash, shampoo, and conditioner was more fragrant when I focused on it and nothing else. It was truly wonderful and easy to do! After doing this several times, I was able to incorporate this more into my life without having to think about it. It became second nature.

·         Notice your surroundings and focus on being in the moment
·         Use all your senses to enjoy everything around you
·         When doing everyday tasks focus on what you’re doing instead of worrying or thinking of what else needs to be done.
·         Don’t just make it through every day; enjoy each day and what you are doing.
·         Stop every hour or two and say “I am here and everything is great” just to make sure you’re in the present.

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