Saturday, June 20, 2015

Take a breath...

One of the best things we can do for our bodies is also one of the easiest – breathe!  Breathing is amazing because it can both lift you up and calm you down. When I feel sluggish, I take several deep breaths and drink a glass a water; more often than not, I feel much more energetic. Breathing is also a great way to relax and calm yourself down. I’m not so great at using breathing for this. It works if I’m trying to get into a meditative state from a normal state. However, for those rare times when I’m really concerned about something, nothing calms me down. I can do all the breathing exercises in the world, but it won’t help! I have been able to minimize the number of times this happens, but alas, it still does happen.

So, pay attention to your breathing. Right now, stop reading and pay attention. Are you taking shallow breaths? Deep breaths? Holding your breath? Until we focus on it, we often don’t even realize that we are not breathing deeply. Deep breathing is necessary for getting oxygen throughout our bodies. Try to stop and focus on your breathing throughout the day. Take a break from what you’re doing and several take deep, strong breaths.  You can do this anywhere – while at work, in the car, walking, cooking – anywhere. So, try to do it as often as you can. I bet you’ll be surprised at the result!

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