Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Do Something You Love!!

       This really doesn’t need any description; it’s just doing whatever you love. Why wouldn’t you? If you could do something boring and uninteresting or something that you love which would you choose? Well I’d hope you would pick the latter because by doing things you love you’re going to be happier; there’s no denying that. Don’t let yourself think you’re being selfish or feel guilty for taking some time to do something you love. Everyone deserves to be happy and do what they want.
      This was one of my favorite topics because I made myself do something I love every day. Who wouldn’t want that? For me,  I love reading, writing, being outside, spending time with people I love, eating, and watching movies along with a very long list of much more. Some days I didn’t even realize I was doing it because you normally don’t have to think about doing something you love, it just comes naturally. However, on the days when I had a lot to do or promised to do things for others, I’d feel guilty for taking some time for myself. After I realized I felt guilty I’d scold myself and say “I deserve this.” Then I’d do whatever it was I loved to do. Sometimes it was listening to music for 10 minutes or watching a half hour TV show. These were quick things I could fit into a busy schedule.
     If it helps, make a list of hobbies or activities you like and do them. There’s no reason not to! Also whenever you see something that you think would be fun, write it down so you won’t forget then do it.

  • ·         Make a list of activities or hobbies you want to do then do it
  • ·         Write down ideas of things you’d love to do so you don’t forget
  • ·         Don’t let yourself feel guilty, you deserve to do what you love
  • ·         Have fun!

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