Monday, May 18, 2015


There are many reasons to be grateful! Even on those bad days when nothing goes right and life just gets you down, finding what to be grateful for will help make it better! 

I initially thought incorporating gratitude into my life would be extremely easy.  I ended up being wrong. For some reason, I had a lot of difficulty at first. There were many times that I was stressed and in a bad mood, so gratitude was not a priority for me. I honestly was not sure that it was even beneficial. I kept wondering how it could possibly affect me positively. Boy was I wrong! After a few weeks of including gratitude into my days and figuring out what worked best I found it had a positive impact. My day could be completely turned around because I changed my attitude by being grateful. I couldn’t believe that I ever doubted its impact.

Being grateful is a powerful mood booster. Sometimes when I’m upset, I try to think of reasons why I’m grateful and I become happier. I feel better about life and realize it’s not as bad as I think; it could be much worse. I concentrate on all the wonderful things in my life for which I’m thankful. Whenever I hear people say “count your blessings”, I do!

TIPS for becoming more grateful

             Look for things to be grateful for in everyday life, soon you won't realize you're doing it!
             Don’t just say thank you, feel it! It makes the experience so much more beneficial and  rewarding.
             Write down a list of everything for which you’re grateful. Read over the list and add to it every day.

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