Monday, May 4, 2015

I Want My Me-Time!!

One of the best ways we have found to focus more on ourselves and our happiness is to give ourselves some time…every day!  I know what you are thinking: 'Usually the only quality time I have with myself is in the shower – and even then, half the time I’m interrupted!'  Well, all you need is 15 minutes a day.  And if that really seems to be too much, start with 10 or even 5.  The key is to set aside a block of uninterrupted time for YOU.

Is this really that important?  YES!  We have found that taking only 5 minutes for ourselves can dramatically improve our mood and relax us.  And if you are trying to make a decision or start a project – this time is essential! These 15 minutes allow you to relax or dream or meditate: whatever you need to reconnect with yourself. The only rule is: NO thinking about your to-do list or worries! This is YOU time!

Here are a few tips for your Me-Time:

·         Time:  Choose a time when you will not be bothered by others.  If you need to be sure to not go over  the 15 minutes (or 10 or 5), set a timer.
·         Space:  Find a place where you will not be disturbed; a place where you can close the door works well. This can be your bedroom, a closet, your backyard, or even your car.
·         Distractions:  NO electronics…put them somewhere far away with the sound turned off.  The only exception to this is music.
·         What to do:  Use your time for anything that you enjoy - journaling, meditation, yoga, listening to music, day-dreaming, visualizing your future, or brainstorming.  If you have a specific issue you want to think about, use this time only if you can calmly consider it and in a positive light. (We will talk about each of these in the coming weeks!) 

Remember, what you put your attention on grows stronger, so try to use this time to think about what makes YOU happy!

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