Friday, May 22, 2015

The Importance of Laughter

There is nothing I like better than laughing. I laugh at really funny things, but I also laugh at not-so-funny things – like 3rd grade jokes! But, luckily for me, laughter really is the best medicine! I’ve found this to be true, and often when I’m sick or feeling down, I feel so much better if I find something to laugh about.

Finding comedy in everything has really changed my life. Laughter can help in times of high stress because it physically releases the tension – much like a good cry (but that’s a discussion for another day!). I love to watch comedy television shows and movies that make me laugh. I’ll watch the same episodes of Friends or The Big Bang Theory and laugh out loud every time. Sometimes if I can’t get a laugh out, I’ll smile (yep, a fake smile plastered on my face). And you know what? Except in the worst of situations, it really does help. Eventually, I’m feeling better and smiling a genuine smile. Sometimes I see someone looking at me strangely, and I realize it is because I have a smile on my face. Well, how can I not laugh out loud after that?

I’ve found the laughter brightens the soul and brings positive energy to any situation. By surrounding yourself with laughter and people who make you laugh, you can create a positive, happy environment for yourself. And who doesn’t want that?!?

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