Friday, May 15, 2015

The Importance of Sleep

Sleeping is very important and beneficial to the mind and body.
I have horrible sleeping habits. When I finally fall asleep I don’t sleep well so I’m always tired. This is why I was excited to work on this section because I want to help myself and others with simple fixes. I try to get 7-8 hours a night. I usually try to keep a schedule and stick to it that way I fall asleep easier. This gets hard, especially when you are in college. Exercising during the day is a great way to tire yourself out so you sleep better at night. Before bed I try not to watch TV, instead I read, write in my journal, do meditation exercises, or listen to relaxing music. This is really helpful because a million thoughts run through my head and keep me awake if I just get into bed and try to sleep. Another tip is to make sure you’re comfortable. I make the temperature perfect for me because if I’m too hot or too cold I don’t sleep. I also try different pillows and beds that are comfortable. I didn’t think this mattered until I noticed the difference between the bed at my house and the bed at my mom’s house and how I slept. SO find what’s right for you, it makes all the difference. By trying one or all of these I’ve noticed an improvement. I will admit there are the occasional nights when I don’t get a good night sleep because I didn’t do these techniques but overall it worked for me.
·         Focus on your comfort and find what’s comfortable for you
·         Make a sleeping schedule with 7-8 hours of sleep and stick to it
·         Don’t watch television before bed
·         So something relaxing before falling asleep such as reading, writing or relaxing your body
·         Exercise during the day
…don’t be limited to these ideas, think of other ways to help you sleep better.

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