Friday, May 1, 2015


Life is a fun-filled adventure, right?

So, why do we so often feel like we live in chaos, while happiness is always just around the next corner?
We all have endless to-do lists …. work or classes, husband or boyfriend, kids or parents, friends, community….and the list goes on!  So if our lives are so “Filled”, why do we not feel “Fulfilled”?
Well, take a look at that list again…… notice anything missing? YOU!  Where are YOU on the list?? When is the last time you put YOU on your to-do list? We all have so many responsibilities – we rarely have time for ourselves.

We – The Wise Women – have spent many years figuring out how to put ourselves on our to-do list.  It hasn’t always been easy, and we are all always still learning!  In this blog, we will share our personal experiences on the ways we have found to focus on ourselves and bring more happiness and harmony into our lives. We will discuss techniques we use and share our experiences, our struggles, and our successes.  We hope that our ideas will help you to focus on you and your happiness!

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